Fun facts about Matcha Tea

People continue to discover and fall in love with our Matcha Tea Pods.  For those of you who have not yet tried it, here are some fun facts about Matcha Tea…

Fun Fact #1 – Matcha Tea is shade-grown:

As a result of Matcha Tea being shade-grown, it has a higher concentration of chlorophyll,  more so than traditional green tea.  This is a health benefit because it promotes the production of enzymes in your liver.

Fun Fact #2 – Matcha Tastes “Earthy”:

The taste of matcha itself is both frothy and earthy. Great matcha is dark green and tastes ‘green’ as well.   This is why some say Matcha is an acquired taste for most people.

Fun Fact #3 – Try a Matcha Latte – it’s a thing:

If you struggle to enjoy the taste of Matcha tea, try it as a latte.  Combine your favourite milk or milk alternative to create your Matcha Latte.  You are welcome also to add your on sweetener.

Fun Fact #4 – Matcha Tea is high in caffeine compared to other teas:

This higher level of caffeine is due to the unique shade-growing conditions.   The matcha tea plants produce higher amounts of amino acids, including L-theanine, plant compounds called polyphenols, and antioxidant nutrients such as vitamin C.

Fun Fact #5 – Keep Matcha Tea Airtight:

Keep Matcha Tea powder airtight.   Oxygen degrades the quality of Matcha over time, so store in an airtight container.

This is one of the benefits of Vibe’s Matcha Tea Pods!  The manufacturing process of the Vibe Matcha Tea pods is done in such a way that once the Matcha Tea is created, its immediately sealed in airtight pods to reduce the exposure to oxygen.

This is why our Matcha Tea Pod is so popular!


Final Word:

Do not be put off with the initial taste of Matcha Tea.  We agree this can be an acquired taste for some people.  Because of the many health benefits, our advice is to mix the Matcha Tea Pod with your on milk preference and possibly a sweetener.

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