Vibe Blog

Building the Perfect Espresso Martini

You can go out to a restaurant or cocktail bar and enjoy an Espresso Martini, but what happens if you want to enjoy one at home!  The Vibe Coffee team have put their heads together to provide a simple guide on how you can be an Espresso Martini “Mixologist” and do it yourself! The Espresso…

Understanding Coffee Pod Intensity Ratings

When you go to a café, you are given whatever coffee that café supports.  When you buy a coffee from Vibe Coffee, you are offered a selection of coffees with varying flavours and intensities.  But what does the “Intensity” rating mean to you?  And how does a coffee intensity rating help you decide which coffee…

The 5 top reasons people add milk to their coffee

Keeping up with all the fancy coffee names can be a challenge.  But what becomes harder to understand is the different milk treatments that come with popular coffee drinks both at home and in Cafes. By way of a quick summary, milk is used to create a Café Latte, Cappuccino, Flat White, Mocha, and a…

Coffee can help Asthma sufferers!

This may appear to be an unusual topic for Vibe Coffee to cover, but one of the Vibe founders loves coffee (obviously) AND has severe Asthma.  So this topic is dear to our hearts. And because there is so much research on the topic of coffee helping Asthmatics, we wanted to do our part to…

Why is coffee in Cafes becoming so expensive?

A Current Affair ran a story yesterday discussing how Australian coffee prices are through the roof, with the main causes being supply and shipping costs. In some situations in Sydney, (as told by the Current Affair) people are paying $8.90 for a soy latte. We at Vibe Coffee find this pricing increase unusual when you…

How and why are Vibe Coffee pods 100% Biodegradable

With large international brands driving the coffee pod market with coffee capsules (“coffee capsules” are the plastic containers that hold coffee and fit into coffee pod machines) which are made from materials that are not eco-friendly, Vibe Coffee decided to work with international coffee capsule suppliers who specialise in the manufacture 100% biodegradable materials. The…

Why does the Vibe Coffee pour slowly out of the coffee pod machine?

We often receive feedback from Vibe customers who say… When using a Vibe coffee pod, the coffee pours more slowly This is a common question for us!! The answer is to do with our coffee bean grinding process which is critical to delivering the perfect extraction of coffee out of the coffee pod and into…

Vibe Coffee – how do we make coffee pod coffee taste soooo fresh?

When you open a bag of Vibe Coffee pods, people as us how and why the smell is so rich and fresh! It all comes down to the manufacturing process that happens in Melbourne. The roasting, grinding, and packing process takes place in a climate-controlled environment in Melbourne! Though the coffee beans are sourced across…