Vibe Blog

What makes a Chai Latte authentic?

Many people have heard of the Chai Latte, but most Australians are used to what’s found in their local cafe. But did you ever wonder what an authentic Chai Latte looks and tastes like? A Chai Latte consists of black tea, spices, and your choice of milk (typically heated). Since Chai originated in and can…

What is the difference between Hot Chocolate Pods and Hot Cocoa Pods?

A common question we get from our customers is, “What’s the difference between Hot Chocolate Pods and Hot Cocoa Pods?”  Are they same thing or are they different? These two titles are often used to describe the same drink so we understand the question and the confusion.  We thought it best to create an article…

Matcha Tea – the 6 most asked questions about this popular tea

Because we now offer Matcha Tea in a Nespresso® Compatible Pod (capsule) we now receive a high volume of questions about this popular tea. To help educate our customers we wanted to share the most common questions that come through our support team. What is difference between matcha and green tea? They are more similar than…

The top 5 health benefits of Matcha Tea

Matcha Tea powder now comes is in Nespresso® compatible pods, which simply means it will fit in Nespresso® Coffee Pod machines. For those of you who have never heard of it before, the reason for its popularity is partly due to the known health benefits that can be gained if Matcha Tea becomes a consistent…

How to make an Iced Chocolate – cooling down your Hot Chocolate for Summer

With summer around the corner the desire to be sipping on hot drinks for some people becomes less important.  But for those who want to continue to enjoy their Hot Chocolates all year round, what can be done to cool things down? There answer?  Create your own Iced Chocolate drink at home which is Hot…

The 4 most asked questions in Google about Hot Chocolate Pods

Everyone has questions about our top selling Hot Chocolate Pods, but have you ever wondered what the top 4 most asked questions are on Google for our Hot Chocolate Pod products?  Read on. If you are interested in trying our Hot Chocolate Pods, check out our Free Shipping offer below. Google Question #1.  Can you…

Hot Chocolate Pod – the ingredients, the nutritional information and why it tastes so good

You have been asking for it, and now it’s here!  The Hot Chocolate Guru’s have finalized (at long last) the ingredients and the nutritional information of Vibe Coffee’s Hot Chocolate Pod which is now available to purchase (click here to buy). They have “cracked the code” in creating the perfect Hot Chocolate drink for you…

Vibe Coffee’s Hot Chocolate Pod is here!

Vibe Customers have asked for it and the our Gurus have come up with the perfect recipe that will allow you to enjoy café grade hot chocolate in your coffee pod machine. Vibe has used its own 100% Biodegradable, Nespresso compatible coffee pods and has jammed them full of hot chocolatey goodness. This amazing product…

Roaming Cup and Vibe Coffee – teaming up to give you the freedom to enjoy coffee wherever you may roam

Vibe Coffee and Roaming Cup has joined forces to give Australians the freedom to enjoy cafe-grade coffee in any location you may find yourself in.    It’s a fully portable coffee machine which can use both coffee pods and coffee grounds. The Roaming Cup coffee machine gives you the ability to enjoy Vibe’s Coffee Pods,…

The 5 most common questions people ask about Coffee Pods

A very interesting part of the coffee business is how so many people are still trying to understand what a coffee pod is and the benefits of using coffee pods to have great tasting espresso coffee at home. In this article we are sharing the most common questions that come from people who buy from…